February 12, 2011

DTX: Dir en grey - LOTUS

Dir en grey's latest single. I really like the way Shinya never follows orthodox rhythms in his drumming. It's part of what makes their music quite unique.

Download (24.3 MB) - Under Japanese > Dir en grey

February 06, 2011

Keysound explanation for GDA/DTX FIles

A great video by Billkwando explaining how keysounding works for simfiles.

February 04, 2011

DTX: 陰陽座 - 組曲「九尾」~殺生石 / 紅葉 / 魔王 / 蛟龍の巫女

4 New DTX songs by Japanese Metal band Onmyo-za.
Drums extreme/double bass DTX versions only.

組曲「九尾」~殺生石 (Kumikyoku "Kyuubi" Sessho-seki) / 32.7MB
紅葉 (kureha) / 26.0MB
魔王 (Maou) / 34.6MB
蛟龍の巫女 (Mizuchi no Miko) / 31.3MB

They can be found under the GDAMania Files Section under Japanese > Onmyo-za

February 02, 2011

DTX: Galneryus - Destiny

Been a while since I made a DTX. This one's the single from their 2010 album "Resurrection". Video included from their live DVD. Very crazy drumming indeed.

Download (50.8 MB) - In Japanese > Galneryus